Github desktop lfs
Github desktop lfs

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  • Adding the option to lock an unlocked file via the context menu.
  • Adding the option to Force Unlock (if not owned by a user) or Unlock (if it is owned by a user) in the file context menu.
  • Upon commit, automatically unlocking a locked file if it is owned by the end-user.
  • Preventing a user from committing a locked file that is not their own.
  • UI feedback in the Changes tab that indicates if a file is locked and who is the owner.
  • Proposed SolutionĪs part of Github Desktop's strive for user-friendliness, this enhancement would ideally incorporate the following: This enhancement would only aimed at backend services, such as Bitbucket, that support Git LFS and file locking.

    Github desktop lfs software#

    This would position the Github Desktop project in a way that directly competes against existing software such as Perforce, and will specifically help open up an entirely new industry for Git: game development. File locking is a critical tool used by diverse teams of artists (working on binary files) and programmers that will routinely experience overlap. Scripts are also installed with the LFS Applications, startlfsdesktopĪnd lfslaunchpanels, startlfsdesktop will create a set of sensibleĭefault prefs if none exist and then start the desktop session, lfslaunchpanels will launch all the panels you have configured.The goal of this enhancement would be to integrate user-friendly support for Git LFS File Locking into Github Desktop. This should be modified to your own needs and copied to ~/.xinitrc, to The new group will be a clone of the current prefs used.Īn example xinitrc.sample file is included in the main folder, You can load a complete set of prefs via the lfsappearance dialog via the drop down menu, you can also add an new set just type a new name in the edit box and select 'Add Group' from the drop down. Prefs are set via the relevant settings dialogs. Lfscolourchooser results are outputted on the command line. Lfsfontselect results are outputted on the command line. Will attempt to run the corresponding application.ĭesktop prefs are set via the lfsdesktopprefs dialog.ĭual head system with separate wallpapers :Ī number of convenience apps are supplied like so: Icons can be double clicked to activate or you can use a

    github desktop lfs

    The corresponding folder ( file manager is chosen by the xdg-openĪpplication ).

    Github desktop lfs full#

    LFSToolKit/docs folder and can be built like with 'make docs' afterĪ full fledged desktop is included and will display icons forĭisks and any items placed in the~/Desktop folder, there are also threeĬonvenience icons Home, Computer and Documents which will take you to desktop files to act as launchers.Ī range of example widgets are available in the LFSDesktopProject/LFSToolKit/examples folder eg:įull API documentation is available for the lfstklib in the The application menu includes items from ~/.local/share/applications as well as the global apps in /usr/share/applications. As you can seeįrom the above image, the left panel includes launchers (l) and the ALSA volume control (s). Lfspanel-LEFT.rc ( as above ), lfspanel-RIGHT.rc etc. ~/.config/LFS/launchers-PANELNAME/, the user should create theįolder.,the PANELNAME is user set and added to the panel config eg L=Logout menu, C=Clock, D=Disk activity, M=CPU data, S=Spacer,

    Github desktop lfs windows#

    Selected in the prefs accordingly, a single letter defines which widgetsĪ=Application menu, W=All windows, w=Only windows on current desktop, Panel widgets are placed grouped either to the left or right and are Various builtin widgets can be set in the panels, eg clock, alsa volumeĮtc etc and of course an applications menu and logout/shutdown/reboot Monitor to display them on ( on a multi head system ) is set via the Multiple panels can be used and their size, position and which Number of themes included for themeing the various widgets used by theĪll the window manager, icon and gtk2 themes can be found here:Īdditionally the toolkit themes shown above are packaged with the library.

    github desktop lfs

    The window manager can use standard xfce4 themes, there are also an Manager, it is themeable via standard gnome/xfce icons, gtk2 themes and

    github desktop lfs

    The project consists of a window manager, desktop, panels, and wallpaper Please note this project is not an official part of the LFS project here: A low resource/dependency desktop for Linux From Scratch, althoughĭesigned for Linux From Scratch has been tested on Slackware and XUbuntu

    Github desktop lfs